Vallée de Katmandou – 12 jours

  • Duration
    12 jours
  • Destination
  • Altitude
  • Fitness
    level 2

The  Kathmandu Valley  offers a wide variety of trekking tours, with great views of the Himalayan range. It offers walks at altitudes varying from 1000 to 2800 meters above sea level, which allow you to discover villages with traditional Newar architecture, but also traditional ways of life and culture.

Trekking in the valley in spring allows you to observe the rodhodendrons in bloom.

Many species of birds can also be observed.

Again, there are many possible variations. The trek that we offer goes through the beautiful little village of Sankhu, which has preserved a traditional way of life, far from the hustle and bustle of the big cities in the valley. We will also visit the small town of  Panauti , with its exceptional cultural heritage.

And then of course, the essential  Nagarkot , with a spectacular view over a large part of the Himalayan chain.

Trip Itinerary

  • 1st day: From Kathmandu (1320m.)

    Voyage en bus jusqu’à Sankhu – Visite du très typique village de Sankhu, ses maisons anciennes, sa place de village – Petite promenade jusqu’au temple en pagode de Vajra Yogini (très peu connu des touristes) – Bus jusqu’à Nagarkot – Nuit à Nagarkot – 10 minutes de marche tôt le matin pour observer le lever du soleil sur la chaîne himalayenne.

  • 2e jour : De Nagarkot à Nala à pied, puis à Dhulikhel à pied.

    • Day 01 Kathmandu Arrival [1,300m]

      Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean.

  • 3e jour : De Dhulikhel à Bhaktapur en bus.

  • 4e jour : De Bouddhanath à Chitwan en bus..

  • 5e jour and 6e jour : Journée de visite du Parc national de Chitwan. Safari à dos d’éléphant, observation des animaux, promenade dans la jungle.

  • 7e jour : De Chitwan à Pokhara en bus. Puis départ du trek, de Pokhara à Dhampus.

  • 8e jour : De Dhampus à Landruk par le Deurali Pass (2100m). Nuit à Landruk.

  • 9e jour : De Landruk à Ghandruk.

  • 10th day: From Ghandruk to Birethati.

  • Day 11: From Birethati to Pokhara.

  • Day 12: From Pokhara to Kathmandu by bus or plane.

From To Cost
March 10
March 21
March 10
March 21
March 10
March 21
Price From

On Request

Per Person

12 jours
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